5 Fun And Easy Birthday Party Ideas Your Child Will Love

So, there is a birthday coming up, one of your little ones is about to hit a new age mark, and you can’t decide how to celebrate it. Whilst you would love to throw your child a party, you may be low on funds or feel that you are unable to deal with the stress, don’t worry you are not alone.

Many parents worry about the cost and stress of hosting a birthday party. However, there are plenty of ways you can throw your child a fantastic birthday party without breaking the bank or getting too stressed out.

For our guide to three easy and low-cost birthday party ideas your kids will love, have a read of this.

  1. Traditional Birthday Party

Organizing a traditional birthday party is much easier and cheaper than you might think.

Instead of hiring out a village hall or sports center host the party in your backyard. Holding the party at your home will not only save you money, but also the stress of transporting the food, games and presents to the venue.

Instead of buying all the party food pre-made, make as much as you can yourself. This may seem a little bit stressful, but with some smart planning and a little bit of help from a friend, you can easily make up a few sandwiches and other bits.

For anything that is too complicated to make, like specially designed cupcakes for example, you can always buy them at a cheap price from Costco or other warehouse store.

When you are thinking about the food, think of things kids like to eat. Snacks like finger sandwiches, bowls of crisps, mini cupcakes and cheese and pineapple on sticks, tend to go down well.

Instead of hiring a clown or entertainer, keep the children entertained with party games. Pass the parcel, musical statues, sleeping lions, and musical bumps are all easy to play and lots of fun.

For party favors, give each child a piece of birthday cake, a few pick and mix sweets and a small toy or game. 

  1. Pizza And Movie Party

One of the best parts about holding a pizza and movie party is that there will be fewer guests.

To keep costs low, let your child pick five or six friends to invite along.

You have two choices when holding a pizza party. You can either hold a make-your-own pizza party at your home or order pizza delivery from a local restaurant.

The cheapest option would be to make homemade pizzas. However, the less stressful option would be to order a takeaway. Before making a decision ask your child what they would prefer to do – make pizzas or order in a takeaway pizza.

If your child decides to create their own pizza, you will need enough pizza trays for each child. As well as buying enough bases for each child, to minimize mess and stress, it is a good idea to buy ready made pizza bases. You will also need to make up a tomato based pizza topper, prepare lots of grated cheese and mozzarella, and lots of other yummy toppings.

Once the pizzas are cooked or arrive, set up a movie for your child and their friends in the living room. Make the room super cosy with pillows, blankets and duvets for them to relax on. A bowl or two of popcorn might also be a good idea.

  1. Themed Party

Holding a themed birthday party is a lot cheaper and easier to do than you might think.

Start off by picking out a theme – ask your child what they would like to dress up as. Pirates and footballers tend to be popular themes for boy’s parties, whilst princesses and pop stars tend to be popular choices for girls parties.

Start planning your child’s themed party by sending out themed invites and asking guests to dress up. Then, start thinking about party games and things you could play that would relate to your chosen theme.

For example, for a pirate party, games such as pin the parrot to the pirate and pass the loot (instead of pass the parcel) would both work well.

About Angie

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