There were some workplace equality laws that came into effect decades ago. A person could not be denied a job because of his race, and pay for women was required to be at the same standard as pay for men. Unfortunately, businesses and individuals do not always take civil rights seriously. We must place a stronger emphasis on workplace equality, and never ignore discrimination.
The Real Costs of Compensation Inequality
In the United States, the Equal Pay Act was signed into law in 1963. This law specified that women who perform equal work cannot be denied equal pay. It is often referred to as the equal pay for equal work act. More than a half-century later, there are employers who manage to get around this requirement.When women are not paid fair, equal wages, there can be consequences. The most common example is the inability to meet living expenses. While this is especially a problem for women who have children to support, it can be difficult for women without children, too. Women whose jobs do not pay fairly can end up below the poverty line.
Second, women with low-paying jobs are more likely to need government assistance. Many working women would not need Medicaid, food stamps, or government assistance checks if they were paid fairly and equally at their jobs.
Special Concerns For Persons With Disabilities
There are employers who claim they do not want to cater to people with disabilities, or make any special accommodations for them. Employers who take this attitude often lose the chance to hire and retain excellent employees.Individuals with disabilities can also suffer when there is discrimination in the workplace. They may not be hired for a job they are qualified to do, or they may lose a job because of their disabilities. Whether a person is hearing-impaired, must use a wheelchair, or has some other type of problem, it can lead to good workers being unemployed.
Discrimination Is An Unfair Burden
Perhaps discrimination in hiring and discrimination on the job are illegal, but these problems still exist today. Not only are all people within their rights to expect fair treatment, it can come to not knowing how to react or what to do if unfair treatment does occur.Being denied a job or promotion, being paid less than a coworker, being ignored or harassed in the workplace, are all extremely stressful experiences. A person in this position may quit the job, be too distracted to perform to the best of his ability, or experience physical or mental health issues from the ongoing stress.
What Should We Do To Ensure Equality In The Workplace?
Regardless of race, sex, nationality, religion, or disability, every person has the right to fair treatment. Fairness covers hiring, wages, promotions, and the overall atmosphere of the workplace. If you or someone you know is being discriminated against, take this information to your employer. If the employer himself is the problem, contact your local Department of Labor or other relevant agency.You can also speak up when you see or hear something that is wrong. From offensive jokes to mistreating someone who is different, say something if you witness these behaviors. Let the people you work with know you intend to be fair to everyone, and that you expect the same from them.
Equality in the workplace is not impossible. From turning in individuals who practice discrimination to refusing to practice it yourself, there is always something you can do to make the workplace fair and safe for everyone concerned. Do what is right, and never be afraid to defend someone who is being harmed by discrimination.
Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education and technology. In this article, he talks about the issue of workplace discrimination and comments on its not-so-progressive state. He aims to encourage discrimination education and legal practice with a online masters in law .
An Evaluation Of Equality In The Workplace
March 3, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
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