There is a surprising amount of decisions you need to make about your toilet when you are looking at purchasing a new one. The issues relating to the kind of toilet you buy can be as small as disliking the look when it gets to your house, to create serious problems after installation. Today we aren’t going to dwell too much on aesthetics, these are the practical must-have specifications you should look for when choosing a toilet
One Piece or Two Piece
Broadly speaking, plumbed-in toilets are either two-piece or one-piece models. Put simply, what this means is that two-piece toilets need to be bolted together or assembled and one-piece toilets are just a matter of installation rather than assembly. Whilst two-piece toilets typically cost less, one-piece toilets are more durable and far easier to clean. They also take up less space. Typically a one-piece toilet might have a solid ceramic base. Two-piece toilets do offer more versatility of design, but it’s still not the ideal solution. Realistically, if you can afford to install a one-piece toilet, it’s probably the best option.
Price Point
Toilets can vary wildly in the price of the unit as well and the cost of installation. When you are making a decision based on the price point it is important to take into account the durability and suitability of the unit, you don’t want to be replacing the unit in a matter of years, or worse months! Ensure you get a quote or estimate from a plumber so that you can factor that into your decision.
The dimensions of your toilet can change the space it is in dramatically. If your toilet is going to be put in a bathroom then you need to be sure that you are taking into account the space needed for movement around the toilet and other fixtures as well as the space that is available on paper. If your toilet is in a stand-alone room you still need to be careful that you aren’t picking a toilet with dimensions that will obstruct movement and functionality.
When you are considering shape you need to not just look at the design of the full unit, but the shape of the toilet bowl. Older toilets and budget models will tend to have a smaller bowl, whereas newer deluxe models will have an elongated bowl.
Flushing Options
There are a few different flushing options to choose from when selecting a toilet. For those who want a standard consistent flush, the single flush uses 1.6 gallons of water every time. Whereas the dual flush gives the user the ability to flush as little as 0.6 gallons of water to a full flush of 1.6 gallons. A dual flush is a great option for those looking to minimize their environmental impact. For those who would prefer to limit their exposure to germs and bacteria, a Touchless flush might be the hygienic solution you are looking for.
Looking out for these key specifications and points of difference is a great way to cut through the sales jargon and hype to assess the factors that really matter when choosing a new toilet. As a consumer, you can make the best possible choice available by making sure you are aware of what differentiates one toilet from another and which model will work best for you and your home.
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