Caring For A Terminally Ill Relative – What Comes Next?

The moment your life changes forever is the moment the doctor says it’s terminal. When there is nothing more that can be done in the fight for life, you are left with having to face the end of life together. There is nothing harder than having to care for your beloved relative in their last few weeks. It is emotionally, mentally and physically draining. None of it will be easy for the rest of your family either. But there are still things you can do together that will help form those final happy memories for you all.

The amount of personal care you have to do will depend on your relative’s wishes and the amount of professional help you can afford to bring in. Most people prefer to spend their final days at home. This can be tough for you to manage if you are the principal carer. But it’s important you try to accommodate your relative’s wishes.

Caring For A Terminally Ill Relative - What Comes Next?
Flickr provided the photograph

There will be many arrangements your relative will want and need to make. It’s best to have at least one other impartial person in the room when these details are discussed. It will help you avoid unpleasant conversations with other heirs later on. All families fight when they’re grieving, so try to make sure there is little to argue about.

Changes to a Will must be overseen by a legal representative. Seek their advice as soon as possible. By this stage, another member of the family may have a power of attorney over your relative. This means someone else is making the final decisions about their life, their legacy, and their care. It could include a Do Not Resuscitate order. You must ensure compliance with this if it is required.

Your ill relative may already have made some plans for their passing. Despite this, there may be many arrangements to be made that you will have to manage. If you can be prepared for this ahead of time, it may be easier for you. However, many family carers are too involved with care to be able to consider final arrangements. And it can be just too hard to think about at this stage.

If you are wondering what to do when death occurs in your family, your Funeral Director could be the best person to ask. They are trained and experienced in helping bereaved relatives in a sensitive and patient way. Strong emotions and distress are to be expected, so don’t feel ashamed about experiencing them. Arranging a funeral is a big task to take on alone, so ask your funeral service team to manage this for you.

The final hours with your loved one may be hard to deal with for all of you. If you have young children at home with you, it can be difficult to focus on ensuring they are entertained and behaving appropriately. Children rarely understand the issues you are facing. It can be best to ask a friend to look after the kids for a day or two.

The grieving process has no time limit. Counselling can be very helpful to give you a chance to speak about your feelings. Take your time and be close to the ones you love.

About Angie

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