Family of 5 Alkaline Electric’s do the Food Desert Challenge

This post was sponsored by Y-USA as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. When I first learned about the food desert challenge I wondered what my family and I would do if we could not easily get to any grocery store for the best deal or healthier foods. Then I remembered we once were very poor with no car, and the nearest store was 2 to 3 miles away. We took a lot of buses everywhere but mostly did a lot … [Read more...]

White House Lowering the Price of Diapers for Low-Income Families

On March 10, 2016 the White House says they will help in lowering the price of diapers for low-income families and non profit organizations. Sadly diapers are a basic need many families struggle to afford. Most daycares only allow the child to have disposable diapers, therefor they are not a luxury item. Diaper need is a silent crisis to many face each day. There is also no federal assistance for to help families purchase … [Read more...]

New Children’s Joke Books Raise Funds to Help Families Pay for Child Medical Expenses #UHCCFjokes

Who would've thought just some joke books could spread hundreds of smiles across America? Not only would they bring smiles but also help.    What kind of help you may ask? Well, the United Healthcare Children's Foundation or the UHCCF has collected hundreds of jokes and riddles to create two new joke books available on Amazon for only $5.99. Proceeds from the sales of the books will be used to help fund grants that UHCCF … [Read more...]

Create a Brighter Future with Dollar General

This Back to School season, Dollar General and Unilever are teaming up to create a brighter future for our children by helping to nurture minds and bodies through affordable meal solutions and literacy programs. You can help too! Just head to Dollar General’s Facebook page and share how you plan to help create a brighter future with the hashtag #DGBrightFuture. For every individual who shares how they plan on creating a #DGBrightFuture, … [Read more...]

Lets Help Walmart Fight Hunger And Spark Change! #WeSparkChange #SHOP2GIVE @Walmart #Sponsored

As a participant in this campaign with Walmart, I have received compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Walmart has recently partnered with some of the many favorite food brands we all buy to help fight hunger and feed America.  From now until May 3rd, when you buy a specially marked packages at Walmart, you will help fight hunger. Because purchasing that specially marked package … [Read more...]

Help With Emergency Vet Bills And Pet Assistance

Need help with emergency vet bills or pet assistance? Is your animal facing a life threatening injury or illness? To often many people are faced with these type of pet emergencies, but have little to no money to help pay vet bills. Sadly families have to put their pets down because they are unable to afford this. Below please find many helpful links to assistance and valuable resources that may be able to help you financially in your time of … [Read more...]