Week 22-23 & 13-14 Never Give Up! #NSNastion #Spon

Angela's Journey Wow it's been a crazy 2 weeks. My post is late and I am catching up. We are gonna talk about week 22 ans 23. Due to that huge storm on the East Coast I have been set back a little on my important things to do. All most all of my family live in New York and I moved about 2 1/2 years ago to Florida. It's so hard to see your loved ones go trough such horrible things and not be able to do much to help them. So it's been hard to … [Read more...]

Week 21 & 12 Never Give Up! #NSNastion #Spon

Angela's Journey Last week was a tough one finding out I gained 6 pounds. Well I lost 5 of those 6 pounds I gained this week and  honestly I couldn't tell you how I just continued to follow the Nutrisystem program as always. Just another reminder that the Nutrisystem program works when you follow it. Also last week I was upset due to bills not the weight gain. I mean don't get me wrong the weight gain did upset me. But I wanted to be more … [Read more...]

Stressed Out Hot Mess, Where Do I Go From Here? #NSNation #spon

Stressed Out Hot Mess, Where Do I Go From Here? Week 11 & 20 Of Our Journey Angela's Journey These last 3 weeks have been tough on me. I am stressed out and feel like a hot mess. I have been sick and we have also been going though some tough financial issues. Crying because of the issues everyday and drinking to much coffee which has made it hard to sleep well and focus on my day to day routine. As a mom of 3 I will tell you it's so … [Read more...]

Week 10 & 19 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation #spon

Angela's Journey It seems me and my hubby are on the same track. I lose pounds he loses. If I gain weight he gains. This week we lost nothing. I am frustrated but at the same time I know I have been sick for the last 2 weeks and haven't done much. So that inactivity is probably why I was unable to lose. I have lost a total of 16 while on the Nutrisystem and I am very proud of myself for getting this far and not messing up to many times. Plus I … [Read more...]

Week 9 & 18 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation #spon

Angela's Journey Well here we are week 18 and I am down another pound! I weighed in at 275lbs. last week and my total is 274 pounds this week. That's a total of 16 pounds while on the Nutrisystem Program. Again that's almost a pound a week! I know I have had some ups and downs but at this point when I look back I can see I am doing great. And I am losing the weight Nutrisystem said. Typical weight loss is about 1 to 2 pounds a week while on … [Read more...]

Week 8 & 17 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation #spon

Angela's Journey Week 17 is here and I lost yet another pound! I now weigh 275lbs. and that's a total of 15 pounds lost while on the Nutrisystem program. I started my journey to a healthier me back in February of 2012 where I weighed 316 pounds! That's a lot of weight for someone that's only 5 feet tall. I lost 26 pounds and then started my Nutrisystem journey on 5/11/12. Since I started this whole journey including the Nutrisystem program I … [Read more...]