I don't know about you but a gift card is the first thing I think of when buying a gift for someone. Or if I can find a deal on a gift card I will purchase it for something I may have planned in the future, like going out to eat or going to a movie with my husband. I love to save money and I try to everywhere I can. Wouldn't it be cool if you could buy a gift card online and then earn points towards getting more of your favorite gift cards? … [Read more...]
RoyalNote.com Review
January 14, 2013 by · 35 Comments
I recently discovered this site called RoyalNote.com who is now offering access to their invite only service, exclusively for Angie's Angel Help Network fans and readers. RoyalNote is site where you answer short multiple choice surveys to receive discounts for online shopping. The more short surveys you answer the bigger the discount will be. Plus this service is completely free! But wait, it gets even better! As you earn these discounts while … [Read more...]