Cell Phone Safety Tips

Cell Phone Safety Tips

Let’s face it we use cell phones all of the time now for work, play, keeping in touch and more.  Sadly too many people are while driving as well. Just think about it. It the amount of time it would take you to just glance at your cellphone so much can happen. In just that split second a someone could change lanes, slams on the breaks, walk in front of the car, a animal could wander onto the road. An accident can easily take place. So follow these very simple suggestions and keep everyone on the road a little safer. 

Cell Phone Safety Tips:

  • Never text while driving.
  • Never read messages while driving.
  • Make calls, text and read messages while the vehicle is stationary or pull over.
  • If you must use the phone be sure to use a “hands-free” accessory works with your phone.
  • Always keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
  • Try to drive after an angry or stressful situation. Unless in a dangerous situation. Emotional conversations and driving do not mix.

Click here for more cell phone safety tips while driving. 

About Angie

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