Students constantly face different challenges: college is challenging itself. You have to attend classes, do homework, create projects, work part-time, socialize, and also find time for your loved ones. One of these problems can be easily solved by professional student-oriented services which you pay to get homework done. But what if you realize that you are going to become a parent? Kids need a lot of time and attention, while college demands practically the same. Doing both at the same time will require you to be strong, finding ways to become less stressful and also good time-management skills. Luckily, we know how to find a balance in this situation and succeed in both roles.
How to balance studies and kids
When you are a parent studying in college, instead of the questions «Who can do my math homework for me?» and «When are we having another party?» you are more concerned when you will see your kids and whether you pay enough attention to them. Around five million Americans are both parents and undergraduate students: many of them have to leave college and find at least a low-paid job to provide their kids with everything necessary. This decision is based on not finding support from college, friends, and family who can help when you have to stay late on campus.
Another reason can be the financial inability to pay a college loan and raise a child. Trying to make both parenting and student life work, many young people become so stressed that it leads to mental disorders and even depression. Is it really worth it? If you decide to proceed with your education even having a kid, we can recommend you top ways you can apply to cope with difficulties, find the balance in life, and earn a degree that will later allow you to get a well-paid job and give your kid everything they deserve. Here is what you can do to make it easier:
- Choose remote education
Thanks to tech advancements, now students don’t have to attend campus to receive a good education: you just need access to your laptop and the Internet a few hours a day. Online classrooms will give you an opportunity to stay home with your child while still getting necessary information, doing homework and passing exams;
- Get support
Many colleges today offer support to students with kids, so you should check our options. Even before you enter, college advisors will inform you about online education and resources opportunities, and you will also be supported by your fellow students via social platforms communication;
- Create a schedule
To find a balance, you need to learn some time-management skills. Making your daily and weekly schedule, you can do all college tasks and still find time for your kid if you avoid procrastination. Indicate all deadlines, lectures and exams dates and other important things (you can download a special app or just set reminders);
- Make to-do lists
As one of the points of your schedule, create a list of things you should 100% do during the day. For example, it can be: do the Math tasks, write an essay in Psychology, send an email to professor Mandell and play football with your kid. Tick them off as soon as you complete every goal, and you will see the progress;
- Set achievable goals
Don`t put too many tasks for one day: when you see the list, you will lose the last motivation that keeps you moving. Separate all the tasks equally and make big ones smaller by dividing them into more digestible parts;
- Make your study place
Create some space where you will be studying, and that will be associated only with studying. Thus you can concentrate on what you have to do;
- Do breaks
When you feel overwhelmed with assignments, then you forgot to take a break and breeze deeply. Sometimes spending even a few minutes away from books will make you more motivated and productive;
One last thing: don`t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
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