Our Singapore Math is a complete curriculum in U.S. grades K-5 by the publisher of Primary Mathematics and Math in Focus
E Singapore Math uses Singapore math which is a comprehensive math curriculum that covers levels pre-K – Algebra 2 and connects mathematics to everyday situations.
E Singapore Math offers students over 800 unique lessons in the following topics: Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry, Algebra, Data Analysis/Probability and Personal Finance with over 10,000 exercises/questions in each course. You can get more information about How to E Singapore Math! work from this page.
The student has access to these resources via an instructional technology approach. Step into the world of Singapore Math with a virtual curriculum that’s been tailored to meet international standards!
These fun school lessons have been created by a Singapore publishing company and will soon be administered in classrooms around the world.
Math Curriculum Singapore:
Singapore math for kids places a big emphasis on mental math and critical thinking. Students get enough practice to ensure the skills won’t atrophy but without so much repetition that they jump ship for easier offerings.
Focused word problems teach logic, encourage exploration and build thinking skills, while geometry is woven continuously throughout the lessons to make all that prior learning contextualized in a useful way.
That’s why many educators across disciplines have come to rely on Singapore to successfully prepare students who can both manage their time well and have developed a nimble knack for solving complex problems.
Schools and homeschoolers have the best curriculum available.
The E Singapore online program is a collection of programs aimed specifically at teaching students Mathematics. The main series covers grades 1 through 6 and contains modules that have been used in Singapore for years now, based on Math topics taught in schools.
These programs were designed to be effective for all types of learners, as well as for different types of settings: including homeschooling, enrichment, catch up or review material and remedial work.
Math and test prep should definitely be first and foremost in your high school student’s mind. Independent study programs like Kumon or E Singapore Math on the other hand, help students practice math regardless of where they need to improve their grade.
Building up a foundation in mental mathematics is essential to competitive online testing as well as getting into college. These math programs are proven to work based on the work ethic of each individual student, making them more confident about their own success and achievement.
Improve your student’s academic performance.
Teachers who teach the “E” version of Singapore Math are happy because they know they won’t have to spend as much time explaining a concept. Their students pick up on lessons quickly, and teachers can focus more on promoting creative thinking. The program also helps students develop new skills and makes them at ease with math in everyday life.
E Singapore Math is strong on the number sense basis, which equips its users with firm understanding of place value and other related topics. When it comes to math’s concepts, teachers have noticed that their students are mastering various areas in-depth as well as developing lifelong retention of mathematical facts.