Disclosure I received products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.
It has been quite awhile since my family and I had time to sit down all together and bond and play a fun game. We are either all so busy or can’t agree on what to play, but recently a new family game has surfaced, “Watch Ya Mouth,”
The fun party game, Watch Ya Mouth started out as a kickstarter, soon it caught the eyes of many. Watch Ya Mouth takes the goofy situation most of us have been in and brings it home to have a few laughs with friends and family. Being at the dentist, with all these tools in our mouth, stretching our lips and what not, and they ask us a question and we struggle to get our words out. We sounded like we were speaking in tongues!!!
Here’s my youngest Shaunn playing Watch Ya Mouth with us.
Watch Ya Mouth comes with 10 mouth pieces, that easily fit in your mouth. Brings back old memories of sitting back in the dentist’s chair haha. The mouth pieces make it a bit hard to speak, which makes this game so fun. With all 143 cards that have random phrases on it, it’ll be a fun night hearing people try their very best to get their words out. Adding even more fun to the game, a 60 second timer is including, lets see how fast you can guess what the other is saying.
I watched a few videos of this game before breaking it out with the family. I couldn’t stop laughing watching others play. I knew I had to give it a try. My family and I picked a day to all hang out together, we all picked our mouth pieces that fit and went in a circle, clockwise of who would go first. My daughter first put her mouth piece in and picked a card, we gave her a little time to review what the card said, then we started the timer. She couldn’t even pronounce the first word! It was so hard for us not to laugh, as each of us tried it and the rest of us tried to guess what they said in under a minute the time flew by. Soon we noticed we had been playing for about 2 hours.
This game really brings out those big gut wrenching laughs that make your sides hurt and your eyes tear up. I just laughed looking at myself with the mouthpiece in! I truly love this game, it has been awhile since my family and I found a fun party game to enjoy. Even at night when it’s just me and my husband, we still play the game and get in a few laughs before we are off to bed.
My favorite part about this game is certain cards have sayings on them that make it sound like you’re saying something bad with the mouthpiece in but you’re really not! With Christmas creeping up on us, I recommend this be the next family gift. The holidays are a time for friends and families to come together, make memories and enjoy each other’s company. This game can help do just that.
You can purchase Watch Ya Mouth at most major retailers or online at wymgame.com. You can also buy Family and Adult expansion. Click here to read the official rules of the game.
I keep seeing this floating around social media. Everyone is always cracking up playing!
This is a very funny game.. i haven’t heard of this before! My kids would love this for Christmas
I have seen so many pictures of people playing this game! I may have to pick it up for the family on Christmas!
This would be a fun game to have! I can only imagine the laughs we’d get out of it. My kids are all grown ups now, but that does not mean we can’t play Watch Ya Mouth together. I’m going to get a set and we’ll play this game on the weekend. Excited to know who will be the champ. Haha.
I really need to buy that one.. We always spend time to play games and I think we’ll enjoy using that.
I have seen so many videos of this game, it makes me laugh just watching strangers. I can’t wait to play as a family. This will be a family gift, sure to be a hit on New Year’s Eve.
I have seen people talking about this game online. It seems that they are really having fun with it. ^yolonda
Isn’t this game so much fun?! It’s such a great family time game as well as for the kids and their friends! I love it! I’ve been seeing it everywhere and was so excited to try it!
That video was great! Haha! What a fun game. I’ve heard of this but I haven’t gotten the chance to try it! It looks so funny and great for all ages which is the best part. A great gift option too!
I keep hearing about this game!!!!! It’s all over the internet lol… loooks like fun!
This game looks hilarious. I will have to get a copy to play with the kids this weekend.
I have this game, except a different brand. It’s so much fun and it’s hilarious. I loved seeing all the YouTube videos too!
I have seen this a few times recently and I really want to try it out. It looks like a real fun game!
I saw this game in my Facebook feed one day. It seemed like it was so much fun.
Lol.. This is so funny.. My kids will enjoy playing this for sure. I love this one.
Haha. This looks like a super fun game. I’m sure my kids would love this.
This looks like so much fun for the entire family to play! I love games that encourage laughter! What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon or Friday night.
I know what’s on my Christmas list for the kids!
I saw a friend post a video for this!! Looks like such a fun game for families, I had no idea they have expansion packs.
OMG, I’m SO glad this was finally made into a game. I remember seeing this on a YouTube video, and it looked like the most fun game ever.