Everything You Need To Know About Buying Your First Horse

Every child (and many adults!) dream of owning their very own horse. There is something special about hitching the saddle on your own animal and getting out in the open. Every horse owner will tell you that there is a special bond between horse and rider. It is an inseparable relationship built on trust and love. However, owning your own horse is not something to embark upon lightly.

Looking after any animal comes with its responsibilities, trials and costs. Never has this been more true than with a horse. This is a much bigger task than looking after a puppy, or a rabbit. More than any other animal, a horse requires a lot of care, attention and money. Before you rush off and buy the one you love so much, read the following advice. Only when you are truly ready, will it be a good idea.

Try leasing first

Our first tip here is to lease your first horse. Many handlers offer a deal whereby you can take an extended loan of the animal. This will typically be around six months but can be negotiated. This lease contract will help you get a sense of whether you are ready to look after one full time. Use those six months to slowly alter your lifestyle around your new animal. Monitor the costs, time and your environment. Could you handle the full time care? If so, then you’re ready to buy.


Quite simply, horses are expensive animals. It all starts with the initial cost which starts at around $5,000. When it comes to horses, it’s worth paying as much as you can afford for the right horse. However, the costs don’t end there. You’ll need to consider the daily cost of feed, bedding and stable board. There’s your tack and equipment that needs purchasing and keeping in good condition. There are farrier costs to keep your horse’s hooves and shoes in pristine condition. Finally you’ll need insurance and a spare pot of cash for emergency vet funds.

What to look for

If you’ve done your sums and you’re convinced you’re ready for your first horse, it’s time to buy. But, where do you even start? Most horse experts tell us that you should always look for temperament in your first horse. Forget looks, agility or speed, your first horse should be tame, calm and well mannered. It takes a while to really understand horses. Even those with hours of lessons under their belt need a calm horse to start with.

Where will you keep it?

Finally, you’ll need to consider where your horse will live. They need large open spaces to stretch their legs. They need spacious stables and plenty of access room. If you own plenty of land, portable horse barns are a great way to accommodate your first horse. If you don’t have the space, you’ll have to rent stable space from a local horse breeder or farmer.

If you’ve got to the end of this post and you’re still convinced, then you’re ready! You’re about to embark on a very special friendship with your first horse. You’ll ride the fields and the roads together. You’ll create memories and have new experiences. Best of luck!

About Angie

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