Get All the News in Just 12 Views at!

Get All the News in Just 12 Views at!

News is everywhere, there’s always something happening around the world and the media does whatever they can to capture it and make a news story of it and giving it out to the public. But we’ve all come across those ‘click-bait’ news sites with a misleading title, news articles that are just so long and you spend so much time reading and reading yet the text still doesn’t exactly explain what happened. It’s important to be connected to the news and be updated with what’s going on, but everyone is on the go and they have things to do, busy people don’t have time to read news stories all day, it’s best for news sites or newspapers, to be short and sweet. Well look no further, is a new news site that you should definitely check out! is a news site that has 12 top daily stories that are selected by editors and written by journalists. These stories range from topics in entertainment, health, money, politics, and technology. allows their viewers to get their news in just a few minutes, letting them be more confident at work, school, and social settings, these stories are sure to spark a conversation. 
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Not only do they have great news stories that are being added all the time, they have Fast Fact Videos that include short videos on subjects like colleges, presidents, cats and dogs, holidays and more. Along with these interesting videos they have a Daily Trivia section that contain 60 Daily Trivia videos about events that took place on each day in history. 
Get All the News in Just 12 Views at!
Get All the News in Just 12 Views at!
I personally enjoy this news site so much, it is very mobile friendly and easy to navigate. It’s the best news site, I can read trending news stories fast, be informed and understand what I’m reading. I can watch short little videos to learn more about other topics. I don’t usually have a designated news site because some news sites are so cluttered, full of ads and there’s so much going on, I enjoy because it’s fast and simple. I highly recommend you check out this site and read a few new articles. 
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