Young people strive to get a college education to reach career prosperity in the nearest future. Still, the research reports claim that many students are left with a big debt and a diploma they cannot correctly apply instead. This is the problem of many educational institutions nowadays – they give theory only without practical skills instead. This way, young specialists end up with a lack of soft skills and entrepreneurial basis after graduation. Here is how colleges strive to cope with the issue and what can be done by the students and postgraduates themselves.
College Issues and Solutions
Twenty years ago, students were happy with theory, endless lectures, and books they were given. It was enough to become a scientist or a researcher. Those few who were into business learned from their parents or other close people and managed to lead the family business.
Nowadays, the competition in business is so intense that neither books nor family wisdom are enough to prosper. You can use business plan service and other helpful tools, but most students wish to manage their startups independently.
Some colleges come up with a handy solution. It is called an accelerator course. This is an additional course you get before graduation to acquire practical skills to be able to implement your main knowledge in career growth. This covers business, managerial, marketing, and other programs allowing you to bring your ideas and start-ups to prosperity.
Such an educational extension creates specialists who are ready for real-life challenges and can develop in a professional way.
After-College Enhancement
If you weren’t lucky enough to learn some management, stress-dealing, and teambuilding in college, it is never late to cover the gap. You can always get extra education and practice being employed and long after graduation. There are different possibilities to add to your qualifications and life experience, just find the most suitable one and become more efficient your way.
Getting a Mentor
There is no point in being ashamed, scared, or worried when you strive for a mentor. Just realize you are not super powerful and get an expert to assist you. Even if you have a professional one hour a week to explain the principles of time management, business analytics, or team leading to you, you will definitely see positive changes in the nearest time. Still, if you aim at fruitful results, here are some common tips to follow:
- learn one skill at a time or a pack of related ones;
- get a reputable teacher;
- be a diligent student: practice new knowledge and skills and do homework;
- get well-prepared for lessons not to waste your and your mentor’s time;
- trust your mentor.
If you do well and apply your newly applied skills, you will be happy to see your improvement. Don’t hesitate to learn more and more, and you will see benefits in your own performance as a specialist.
Joining a Community
If you don’t feel like getting a personal teacher, you may appreciate group knowledge sharing better. It means that you can always join a club or community of other specialists in your field. This will allow you to meet a variety of successful in-sphere businessmen and experts.
As a club or community member, you will have a chance to share your own success story, get inspired by others’ experiences, attend lectures, meetings, workshops, and learning sessions. Besides, this is a place where you can enter into a beneficial treaty or partnership.
Nurturing Soft Skills
If you are already a businessman and a company boss and have a tone of wisdom and theoretical knowledge behind you but still need more practice, you can organize everything yourself. You have a whole company as a training field and your workers as teammates. Look at the ideas for you to practice:
- apply time-management techniques in your office;
- held brainstorming sessions; try yourself out both in the role of leader and team member;
- participate in the operation of different company departments and branches, but not as a boss but an average worker;
- organize discussions on the field trends, company issues, and general topics;
- launch team-building traditions.
Even if you are not a boss but an average worker, you can still nurture your soft skills to the extension your position allows you.
Generally, you have to remember that it is never late to learn. And if you have only theoretical knowledge without any practical skills, this is not the reason to get desperate. On the contrary, you are already educated and have half of the deal. You only need to put your knowledge to practice and develop yourself as a specialist. No matter whether you opt for a mentor to guide you, join a club full of experts ready to share their success secrets, or practice soft skills by yourself, you only need enough desire to implement it all. Discover the opportunities, select your way to get improved professionally, and work for your career and personality growth with confidence.
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