Discover how to create a more profitable transaction when selling antique jewellery. Keeping these tips in mind will help you establish yourself as a trustworthy seller plus increase profits.
Selling your own antique collection can be an unusual but profitable way of making money – if you do it right. If you have already invested in a collection and are tired of them sitting around just looking pretty, it’s time for you to take things to the next level. This article discusses some key ways you can make a good amount of money from your pieces.
When you have a portfolio of items from antique bracelets to rings, there is bigger potential to boost your profits. However, the key isn’t in the quantity of pieces you have, it’s in knowing the value of an antique item. As antique jewellery is mainly classified from being created a century ago, the older your piece is the richer its history. Kalmar Antiques sells fine antique jewelry that you might be interested in.
So it doesn’t matter if you have only one or twenty pieces in your collection. If you do things right, you can still make a lot of money from a transaction. So here’s how you do it:
- Choose to sell famous jewelry designers
This is the safer route to take as renowned names such as Tiffany and Cartier will never lose their value. It’s easy to get swept away in the current trends however not always profitable. So try to get ahead of the curve and think about what the next trend will be.
- The rarer the better
If you have a rare piece, make sure you let people know about it. It’s always better to invest in unusual pieces like vintage engagement rings in Australia which are hard to come by. This will increase the demand for your collection. If it has an edge and something a little different, the chances are it will get noticed much quicker than normal collections. Bracelets, earrings, and necklaces that have an unusual design really display the expertise and technique the designer had. You will peak interest and if selling at a trade show, many more eyes will be drawn your way.
Buy from knowledgeable sellers
If you are building up your collection still, finding worthwhile pieces can be tricky. Seeking a certificate on genuine antique pieces is critical. Whether you are at an auction or buying items online, keep your eye open for good deals. Also get to know the person you are buying from and dig deep into their knowledge behind the antique pieces. You can also find some great deals and hidden gems at pawn stores and garage sales.
Learn about your own collection
Developing and fine-tuning your own knowledge behind the antique jewellery you’re selling will help your sales a lot. Know the designers marks and make sure the mark is genuine by doing further research. If your jewellery possesses a patina, this often reveals how old it is. This will immediately increase a potential customer’s’ confidence in the purchase they are about to make. Also, to ensure a professional sale you should carry out checks beforehand. Make sure the stones are in place and any damages or scratches are clearly communicated to buyers. It will help if you are transparent in all areas when selling your antique collection.
Get a good price in mind
The cost of your jewelry item will ultimately come down to its value and history. You can determine the cost and value by searching on the web or checking out official pricing guides. Talk to other sellers who have similar items to you and let them know what you are planning to sell. They will be able to give you advice and enlighten you on how much they sold their jewelry for. This will give you a clearer idea of how you can price your items to make a decent profit.
Don’t forget the auction fees
Remember to include the amount it will cost to sell at an auction into your plans. This will vary depending on the venue or which website you choose the sell on. It’s important to include the percentage in the final price so you don’t lose out on any money.
How To Sell Your Antique Jewelry Collection Profitably
November 23, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
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