I am sure that, like myself, all parents at some point wondered what to do with all those toys that our kids don’t use any longer. In the beginning, we move them from one corner to another, but the pile keeps on growing. Then we put them in boxes, which we finally stuff in our deposit and we end up with a space full of useless things. Also, I agree with the idea that fewer toys means more joy for our kids.
One day, annoyed by the number of toys I was surrounded by, I thought of taking them to a flea market. But then again, this would require time and money (transport, a day or more on the site and so on).
That is when I remembered something: if I can buy toys online, why can’t I also re-sell them online?
It is a good way to clear the air in your home and also to make some money. You can sell anything, from Lego pieces to dolls, teddy bears or board games. Also, adults get sometimes toys that they want to re-sell after a while: for
example, if you are passionate about remote-control devices, you can easily sell your old toys online.
And some stay-at- home parents took this to the next level and transformed it into a real business, by buying toys and reselling them online. Here are few steps on how to sell your kids toys online.
Prepare the items
I started the process by putting together all the toys, sorting them per category and then checking them one by one. Especially for the remote-control devices, you also need to test the functionality and the accessories (battery, accumulator, etc.).
Make a list and price estimation per item
For me, it was useful to make a list with all the toys and estimate how much I can ask for each item. The list helps you later to keep track of your “stock“ and earnings.
In order to make a price estimation, I am reading reviews from different sources. For example, the other day I wanted to sell an older remote-control boat so I wanted to see how much it is worth. I went and check online and found what are Best RC Boats for Sale – Top 10 Reviews, so and made an idea on how much I can cash.
Presentation is everything
After you did that, it is time to put your items online. Presentation counts a lot. So I make sure I have clear, professional pictures and a good description. When I buy online, I prefer sellers that have good visuals, but also a detailed and structured description of the toy.
Be honest about the state of the item
It happened to me that I bought online a toy that did not have anything to do with the description I found on the Internet. The toy was over-used, and I felt cheated. I gave a bad review and asked for a refund. Don’t be one of those people!
Be honest about what you sell, and your clients will be happy.
Use the power of social media
My first option is to connect with specific communities. If I got a bunch of board games to sell, I would look for a place to sell these online. Or if my boy has many remote control devices, I will connect to communities such as Rcrank best vehicles where I can find other people passionate about that.
I also used Facebook groups to sell the toys, especially since Facebook introduced the button “sell.“ Amazon or eBay is also an option, but you need to be aware that if your client is not happy, he/she can ask for a full refund.
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