Jewelry Candles are a Premium Soy Wax Candle that are 21 oz each and have a burn time of anywhere from 110 hours to 150 hours. They have jewelry hidden inside worth anywhere from $10 to $7500!
Santa Claus – Ho Ho Ho! Their Santa Claus Jewelry Candle is a warm fruity bouquet with a mix of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and juniper notes with a sweet musky background!
ENTER TO WIN A Santa Claus – Ho Ho Ho! Jewelry Candle.
I was not compensated for this post in anyway.
We always leave milk and cookies!!
We leave him milk and cookies and carrots for hie reindeer.
Santa always gets a treat and a drink-even now that our children are older and “know” they still beleive in the spirt and meaning so we still leave something. They still leave notes which they now know are for us and they mean so much and usually bring tears to our eyes because they are written with such meaning.
We put out cookie and milk and 2 carrots for each reindeer.
Milk and cookies for Santa and water and hay for the reindeer.
We leave santa cookies n juice or a soda, and a note to thank him and he leaves us a note too.
I honestly don’t do anything. Our children know that we’re Santa….
We put out cookies for Santa on plates my boyz painted and do reindeer food w/out Sequines because they can be harmful to reindeer and birds.
We love to watch santa and his reindeer on facebook. We like to leave him treats and coffee with peppermint chocolate cream, and write him a thank you letter
We leave a letter and cookies/milk.
We bake cookies and also leave oatmeal outside for the reindeer.
Definitely cookies and milk
We do cookies and milk and put out reindeer food as our special thing. We also watch the santa cam to see where her is 🙂
We try to remember to leave Santa some cookies and milk every year so he can get his snack on lol the past few years since the school had sent the reindeer food home, we have been making our own reindeer food with glitter and throwing it out on the lawn for Santa’s reindeer to find their way and so they dnt feel so left out!! 🙂
special notes left from and to Santa every year