LazyBonezz Pet Collar Review

We love our pets, we want them to have the best food, best bedding, best toys and best accessories. That means shopping at the best pet stores. I love getting cool collars for my dog and cats. I usually,buy the color and design according to their personality and gender. Or sometimes just a cool neutral color.

LazyBonezz Pet Collar

Not too long ago I was able to review 5 pet collars from LazyBonezz. These collars were sent over free of charge in exchange for my honest thoughts. I received 4 for my cats and 1 for my dog. I was pretty excited because they collars that we getting sent to me were called, “The Stud Collar” and “The Spike Collar”. Which of course had studs and spikes on them. I’ve never gotten or bought a studded/spiked collar for my pets. But I guess this would be my first.

LazyBonezz Pet Collar

LazyBonezz is a website based on providing pet products. Categories range from sleep, eat, accessorize, storage and organization, travel, and parts. They offer high quality luxury products to pamper and care for your furry fellow in the best ways. My pets were due for a new collar, a nice strong one. The Spike Collar was made for “cool” dogs. The striking design and colors will be sure to attract a lot of attention.

LazyBonezz Pet Collar

LazyBonezz Pet Collar

They are made from faux animal friendly leather, with a signature LazyBonezz charm. These are available in the colors black and silver.

This spiked one was sent to me in a large, and in the color silver to fit my dog, Roscoe. I’m not quite sure what he thought about his new collar, but he sure did look styling! It wasn’t too tight or loose, it fit great and the color looked great in him. The Stud Collar will keep you and your pet in vogue.

LazyBonezz Pet Collar

The square studs and patent leather are trends you don’t want to miss. Made of faux animal friendly leather. With a signature LazyBonezz charm. Available in the colors black and silver. I received smalls for each of my 4 cats. In both the colors black and silver. It was funny because I have two black cats and I put the silver collars on them and I have two gray cats and which I put the black collars on them.

LazyBonezz Pet Collar

My one cat, Baby, as soon as I put it on her, she sort of perched up and sat like she knew she looked good in her new collar. The others either looked like they hated it or just didn’t pay in mind to them. Either way I liked them and they looked wonderful. They weren’t made cheap and held up quite well after going through my pet’s daily routine of eating, scratching, eating, playing, scratching, sleeping, eating, bathroom time, and sleeping some more! These collars are awesome and the studs and spikes look so cool and fashionable on my pets.

Shop LazyBonezz today for your pets at


Disclosure I received products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

About Angie


  1. i would love to win this!

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