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My favorite Christmas decoration has always been something very unique, and most of the time decorations made by my children. Christmas is one of my most favorite holidays of the whole entire year. Some of the best parts of the holidays to me are baking cooking’s, making decorations with the kids, eating great food, shopping for special gifts, giving back, and spending time with family and friends.
Two things I love to do every year with each one of my children is make a special Christmas decoration for our tree, and also shop for one special new ornament. Each year we come up with new ideas for what we will make for the tree. Since the day we started this tradition I have always kept each and everyone me and the kids made together since they were little. Everyone gets put on the tree each year. The kids are always so proud to look at the ones they have made over the years. I even have decorations on the tree that I made when I was a child. I truly think these are some of the best decorations, and bring back so many memories.
The below photo is just some of the many ornaments mt children and I made over the years. The red and gold one my daughter and I made when she was just 6 years old. The heart shaped ornament was made by my oldest son at just 7 years old and he is now 20. The snow flake ornament my youngest son made when he was 5 years old and lastly the Santa ornament was made by my daughter when she was 9 years old.
While shopping for our special ornament ever year it takes time finding the perfect, and very unique ornament. With a little searching and hunting online I have found some great ideas for this year already. Check out some of the wonderful Christmas decorations.
My Favorite Christmas Decorations
December 17, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
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