Let’s face it college is expensive and anyway you can save will greatly help. One sure way to save are great deal of money on college is by renting your textbooks. And the best place to do that is from CampusBookRentals.com. You can save anywhere from 40-90% off of bookstore prices! Plus you get free shipping both ways! You can also highlight in your rented textbooks. Why would anyone want or be willing to pay full price for textbooks if they don’t have to? Especially since your only using the book temporally. Plus you will get flexible renting periods and for each textbook you rent CampusBookRentals.com will donate to Operation Smile! Rent your textbooks this year to save a ton of money on college costs.
Maybe you just finished college and still have your text books. You can take your textbooks and earn some extra cash for them with CampusBookRentals new program called RentBack that allows students to rent their textbooks they already own to other students. They will rent them for you and every time your book gets rented you get paid and that could be over and over again! This is a great idea because you can make 2-4x more money than you would if you sold your text books back at the end of the semester!
How it Works?
- 40-90% off of bookstore prices
- This service is free no membership required
- FREE shipping both ways. (everyone loves free)
- You can highlight in the textbooks
- Flexible renting
- Rentback Program
- Refer friends program
- Campus Book Rentals will donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
- Any book returned within the first 30 days after the order date will be refunded 100%.
- Monthly giveaways, textbook scholarships, shirts, and other prizes.
- Registration is free and you do not have to be a paying customer to win.
Rent your textbooks this year here at www.CampusBookRetals.com
This is an awesome perk that Campus Book Rentals has to offer which is Operation Smile. For EVERY book rented this year, Campus Book Rentals will donate a portion of the proceeds to Operation Smile with sights set on meeting and exceeding the goal of 1,000 lives changed. So add that extra book to your cart, and consider this goal as you go back to school this year. CampusBookRentals.com supports the children of Operation Smile, and thanks you for your support.
This is a sponsored post and I have been compensated.
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