Disclosure I received compensation in exchange for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.
Learning SEO is an important part of creating a successful blog, and having your hard work get seen. Imagine writing up something wonderful and spending hours on a beautiful piece that never gets seen. You could be offering something very valuable to the public, but if they never see it, well who is it really help helping? With just some small steps and a little research you will be on your way to better traffic, and all your hard work being seen and possibly shared.
I am still at the beginning stages of learning SEO, and how to create effective content. The first thing I learned is that the term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and that learning SEO will help improve the quality of my work as well as boost my traffic. Many proven SEO techniques can also help your blog achieve a higher rank with the major search engines when certain keywords and phrases are put in the search field.
If your a beginner like me I highly recommend doing a little research, and purchasing a book or two on SEO. A great place to start would be The Beginners Guide To SEO. This is a great guide that will teach you: How Search Engines Operate, How People Interact With Search Engines, Why Search Engine Marketing is Necessary, The Basics of Search Engine Friendly Design & Dev., Keyword Research, How Usability Experience & Content Affect Rankings, Growing Popularity and so much more!
Are you learning SEO ? If so what great tips can you give on your personal experiences and what you’ve learned so far?
This is a compensated post.
I think no matter how many years a blogger has been blogging, like any profession there is always something new to learn. Especially in the cyber world, things are always changing, it’s great when bloggers can work to gether helping each other to be on top of what’s new, and important to us all.
That is so true Julia and I 100% agree. The more we work together as a team the more we all win.
I have been trying to learn more about SEO, thank you so much for sharing this. There is sooooo much to learn.
Your very welcome and I agree, I feel like I learn something new everyday when it comes to SEO.
Excelelnt post! i have a lot to learn and SEO is one of the most important
Thank you Cyndie and so do I. There is so much to learn and every little bit we apply helps.
I loved Yurt report very useful info for all us bloggers. Rules are always changing on bloggers post thank God SEO are there to pick everyone hard work of blogging. Well written report 🙂 xo
Thank you very much Marjorie!
When I first started with my website I really did not understand SEO and how much of an impact it made. Over time I learned it makes a huge impact. Thanks for all the tips and resources.
Your very welcome.
Thanks for the info. I write SEO for website for several companies and you are absolutely correct in that it is important. Great resources mentioned here.
Thank you so much for your feedback. I would love to hear any tips you might have.
Great post, I do agree that SEO plays a very important part in blogging and for all businesses.
I agree, and so much to learn, but yet so beatifically in the long run.