Scream-A-Gedddon compensated our trip to Scream-A-Gedddon 2016 in exchange for my honest opinion. Regardless all views and opinions are 100% my own.
It’s that time of year again, fall! Chilly weather, pumpkin carving, scary movies, trick ‘or’ treating, spooky decorations and of course haunted houses! My favorite part about Halloween is all the haunted houses! There are so many, small local ones, or big themed ones. As the years go by, Halloween is being pushed more towards younger children, there are more activities for young kids than older ones. Even thought it’s great for the whole family to have fun, anyone over the age of 15 might want to do something more this holiday, such as going to a haunted house attraction.
This looks like it was a blast. I would love to be able to check it out for myself one day.
You should. It’s low cost and a really great time.
I want to go there!!! to enjoy my haloween!! 🙂 🙂
It’s so much fun. You should make a plan to go.
Yes, being out in the middle of the woods really adds to the experience. A community college near here puts on an aweseome one as well, out in the woods.
I agree The woods makes it so much creepier.
Oh my! That looks fun and scary at the same time! We’re going to a haunted house this weekend and I’m kind of nervous! LOL
They are so much fun. Don’t be nervous.
I am such a scaredy cat so I don’t think I’ll ever have the guts to go there. LOL. But for sure, my husband and son would love that! 🙂
You should give it a try. Just remember they can hurt you. It’s so much fun.
i havent been to a scary house in ages! im going to have to find something local to check out soon. eek! looks like fun!
You should, and there is still plenty of time.
Looks like a ton of fun for families! Looks like you allhad a great time!!
We sure did they kids just love stuff like this when we let them go.
My oldest son would love this haunted house. I personally haven’t been to a haunted house in a ver long time.
This was my oldest sons first time and my youngest they both enjoyed it.
Looks like a ton of fun. Those are the places that I love to go. I love scary stuff!
My kids and I both do too.
You all did great I would have been screaming my head off. lol. The costumes look incredible!
Oh trust me I was screaming my head off. But all in good fun.
Those are some creepy costumes!! It looks like your family had a great time! My family is too young for scary times like that! Maybe in a few years!
We sure did.
That looks completely horrifying LOL. Your kids and you are extremely brave. I am such a chicken I will not step foot into a haunted house. I do know a lot of people that would love something like this though.
It’s more fun than scary to me. I guess knowing nothing bad will happen to us is what makes it easier..
I couldn’t do this. I hate to be scared. My husband, though? This is right up his alley. He loves haunted houses, and the scarier, the better.
Oh man I love it. It’s such a thrill.
My family would love this! We love to be scared for Halloween. It’s a tradition for us to get the bejeezus scared out of us.
Yes! We are the same way. So much fun.
This sounds like a lot of fun and I love that they have the glowing necklace for safety. I would be embarrassed to take mine off but I would feel safer knowing that I could if I wanted to.
I really like that they even had this option. First time I have every seen it at a haunted house.
Oooooh….That’s too scary for me! lol I’m such a baby when it comes to haunted houses. My teens on the other hand, love them! I am going to have to share this with them and they can decide if they are brave enough to go check it out! 🙂
They would love it I am sure.