Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey
Angela’s Journey
Wow one more week and I will have been on the Nutrsystem program for 4 months now. I weighed in at 277lbs. this week. Which means I lost another pound bringing my total weight lose while on Nutrisystem program to 13lbs. This is my second time reaching 277lbs. So I am determined this can’t happen again. I must reach a lower number. I also have my monthly again so I know I have a couple pounds extra on till it’s over. I have got my plan covered and have no problem following the Nutrisystem program. I am drinking more water too! So now I think what’s going on is I am not exercising enough. Here I am every week beating my self up over not losing or not losing much. When really what I should be doing is taking all that energy being upset and using it on the treadmill to burn off some more calories. Honestly I think it’s time for me to get off my butt and get moving a little more. All along I think not exercising enough has been my issue. It boggles my mind that I could sit here and wonder why it’s not happening when I have forgotten the most important ingredient to losing weight no matter what program you are on. And that’s exercising! No matter what your doing or what diet or program your are on. Eventually you have to exercise to keep losing weight. And sometimes you need to just step it up a little and change up your exercise routine. Nutrisystem has a system called My Daily 3 which can help you get on the right track for exercising. You answer a few simple questions and a plan is generated for you. You can choose to do your exercising 3 times a day for 1o minutes each or a total of 30 minutes at one time. Now all I need to do is find the motivation to step it up a little and get moving a little more. If I exercised half has much as I day dreamed about doing it I would have lost 50 pounds by now lol. I have been making a workout playlist during my journey and sometimes I get bored with the songs. So what are your favorite songs to workout to? Also what is your advise on how to get motivated?
One more thing I wanted to show you is my Nutribear. I know I got it a few weeks ago but I forgot to share it with you. And it’s really is just so cute! How do you receive a Nutribear? You must be a current customer of Nutrisystem and have lost or are losing weight on the Nutrisystem program, to be eligible to receive Nutribears. For each weight loss milestone you reach throughout your weight loss journey, you will receive an adorable Nutribear as a reward for your weight loss achievements. And when you’ve reached your goal weight, you’ll get your very own Goal Bear.
Before and after pictures of Angela. Week 1 and Week 15.
Week 15
Week 1
Shaunn’s Journey
Week six of Nutrisystem Program: This week I weighed in at 263Ibs. that is 4 pound gain from last week which I weighed in at 259Ibs. I really don’t know why I gained 4 pounds, this is really discouraging. I have been drinking my water like I am supposed to, not over eating. Maybe it is because I have not done my daily 3 in a while, which is nobody’s fault but mine. My sleep pattern is screwy at this time,my son recently got a job so I am up early than expected, and now I take naps which I haven’t done in a couple of months. My time is constricted now that my oldest son has a job. I thought that when the kids went back to school I thought that I would have unlimited time for exercise, but that’s not the case. This is getting frustrating to lose all this weight then have half of it come back. Motivation is down, frustration level is high and on top of that I am eating right,I don’t know what the problem is, I wish I knew? 263Ibs. is good but it is not where I want to be in week six. I am hoping that week seven has some great surprises for me, because I need a good week. Tonight I am going to have Nutrisystem Stuffed Peppers and for dessert a White Chocolate Chunk Cookie.
Before and after pictures of Shaunn. Week 1 and Week 6.
Week 6
Week 1
Video 3 Just a little update and wanted to say hi 🙂 We sound really dorky so I hope you enjoy our video.
Shaunn – Week 6 Weight 263lbs. – Total weight lost while on the Nutrisystem D Program 0lbs.
Neck – 16.12
Arms – 16.7
Chest – 42.8
Waist – 46.3
Thighs – 28
Calf – 16.8
Angie – Week 15 weight 277lbs. – No changes
Neck – 16
Arms -16
Chest – 49
Waist – 59
Thighs – 28
Calf – 17.6
Wish us luck on our next weigh in. See you next week! ~Angie & Shaunn
P.S. Thank you in advanced for those who will be following our journey. And don’t forget to leave your comments, questions or maybe you just want to leave your support and encouragement. All is welcome and VERY much appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you all.
Read Past Weeks Of Our Journey:
Week 5 & 14 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation Week 14 – 8/21/2012 – Angela 278lbs. – Shaunn 259lbs.
Week 4 & 13 Of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 13 – 8/14/12 – Angela 280lbs. – Shaunn 264lbs.
Week 3 & 12 Of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 12 – 8/7/12 – Angela 277lbs. – Shaunn 264lbs.
Week 2 & 11 Of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 11 – 7/30/12 – Angela 277lbs. – Shaunn 262lbs.
Week 1 & 10 of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 10 – 7/25/12 – Angela 283lbs. – Shaunn 264lbs.
Week 9 of My Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation YAY Down 3 more pounds!!! Week 9 – 7/16/12 – 280lbs.
Week 8 My Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation More Weight Loss!!! Week 8 – 7/9/12 – 283lbs.
Week 7 My Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Down Another 1pd! Week 7 – 7/2/12 – 284lbs.
Week 6 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation DOWN 1pds! Week 6 – 6/25/12 – 285lbs.
Week 5 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation DOWN 2pds! Week 5 – 6/14/12 – 286lbs.
Week 4 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 4 Staying Strong Week 4 – 6/07/12 – 288lbs.
Some of Nutrisystems Delicious Foods on the Program #NSNation
Week 3 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 3 Gained 1 pds. Week 3 – 5/31/12 – 288lbs.
Week 2 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 2 Down 3 pounds! Week 2 – 5/24/12 – 287lbs.
Week 1 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 1 Complete Week 1 – 5/18/12 – 290lbs.
Intro: Follow Me on my Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNationStart – 5/11/12 – 290lbs.
Be sure to follow Nutrisystem
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/
Disclosure: Nutrisystem is providing Angie’s Angel Help Network with the Nutrisystem Program free of charge for participating in the Nutrisystem Blogger Program.
Great review & keep up the good work.
Thank you for your support.
Keep it up girl! You’ll do great!
Thank you Shasha I am working hard!!
Hang in there! You are so motivating me to do it! You are doing great!
Thank you so much Alaina for your support!!
You and Shaunn are doing great and you are a great couple!! Keep up the good work! Can’t wait for the next video 😉
I can’t wait for the video where I act comfortable in front of the camera lol. Thank you so much Patti 🙂
This is so great, especially doing the buddy system ! Wish you best of luck it looks as if its working !
Thank you. And it really does help. Every time he sees me grabbing something I should he stops me. And the same thing with him.
You look fantastic. Rock that Nutrisystem. I admire your persistence,.
Thank you. I have had a long 15 weeks but I know it will happen. And I will reach my goal weight.
You guys are putting a lot of work into this! Keep it up ,great video!
Thank you do much for your support. 🙂
You guys are doing so well, and girl you look amazing!
Aww that is to sweet. Thank youuuuuu so much!!!! 🙂
Shaunn * I meant … 😀 You go Angie!
Thank you so much 🙂
OMG I LOVE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and HIGH FIVE SHAWN for Doing it with your girl YA ! 🙂
Aww thank you. I am surprised! But hes doing great!!
Good luck in next weigh in! Definitely increase you workouts. I would try to move up to 45 minutes if you want. Adding exercise makes all the difference! It will help you loose even more weight than just Nutrisystem diet alone 🙂
Thank you so much. Now just to find the motivation.
Woot woot! One more pound down! And your pictures look GREAT!
Aww thank you so much for your continued support every week. 🙂