Week 7 & 16 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation #spon

Week 7 & 16 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey

Angela’s Journey

It’s been 4 months and I have a lost a total of 14 pounds while on the Nutrisystem program. That’s almost a pound a week! I lost another pound this week bringing my total to 276lbs. from 277lbs. last week. I did some exercising this week but found it hard to go longer than what I have been doing to keep my weight loss going. I just can’t find the motivation to do more. I have tried so many things and its still so boring and I have no drive to want to do more. What have you found that motivates you for success? I have tried different music playlist. And it doesn’t seem to matter. I have even tried watching the Biggest Loser show while working out in hopes that I will get the motivation to want to do more. You would think that someone like me that has this much weight to lose would want to do anything they can to get healthy, and I do I absolutely do. Before we started Nutrisystem we changed all of the foods we ate and all of our eating habits, and continue only to buy those good foods. So the kids have been doing great as well. And now we are on the Nutrisystem program and I follow the program as best I can. I still am working on drinking more water but I am doing much much better with it than I was before. My last issue and the one thing I need to do most to keep losing weight every week is up my exercise plan. So while I have time as much as I really don’t feel like doing it. But now is a better time then never and I am going to go get on the treadmill and get another 15 minutes in and then again when my hubby gets home from work because he needs to up his workout routine as well. I will end this note for now and let you know how it went next week! πŸ™‚

Shaunn’s Journey

Week seven of Nutrisystem program: This week I weighed in at 262lbs. that is 1 pound loss for the week. And a total of 4 pounds lost while on the program. I recently cheated on my diet and had pizza, wings, and bread sticks on Friday and I still lost a pound. I have been doing really well on my diet and haven’t cheated much at all. I don’t know why I decided to cheat on Friday. I also figured out why I am not losing a lot of weight like some of the other people on Nutrisystem, it is because I was eating healthy before I joined the Nutrisystem plan. So I didn’t have the huge weight loss at the beginning of this. My biggest loses we’re from the water weight I have accumulated, and now that the water weight is gone it is hard to lose the actual body fat. When my diet changes stopped working I decided to try the Nutrisystem program. I know in the earlier weeks I was talking about how important it is to incorporate the “Daily Three” in your routine, I will be the first one to say that I haven’t been doing what I preach. Well not all of it, but some of it. There is no excuse for me to not do the exercises, maybe it is lack of motivation, or change of my daily routine. This week I am going to whip my body into shape by doing my exercises to reach my goal weight as planned, therefore I will strive to keep on track with the Daily Three in the weeks before I have not been doing all my exercises. So this week I am starting off brand new.

Nutrisystem Video 4 The Perfect Protein Shake – Here is a little video on how I make my protein shake that I rant and rave about all the time.

Shaunn – Week 7 Weight 262lbs. – Total weight lost while on the Nutrisystem D Program 4lbs.


Neck – 16.12

Arms – 16.7

Chest – 42.8

Waist – 46.3

Thighs – 28

Calf – 16.8

Angie – Week 16 weight 276lbs.


Neck – 16

Arms -16

Chest – 49

Waist – 59

Thighs – 28

Calf – 17.6

Wish us luck on our next weigh in.Β  See you next week! icon smile My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation DOWN 1pds! ~Angie & Shaunn

P.S. Thank you in advanced for those who will be following our journey. And don’t forget to leave your comments, questions or maybe you just want to leave your support and encouragement. All is welcome and VERY much appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you all. icon smile My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation DOWN 1pds!

Read Past Weeks Of Our Journey:

Week 6 & 15 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation Week 15 – 8/28/2012 – 277lbs. – Shaunn 263lbs.

Week 5 & 14 Of Our Nutrisystem Weight Lose Journey #NSNation Week 14 – 8/21/2012 – Angela 278lbs. – Shaunn 259lbs.

Week 4 & 13 Of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 13 – 8/14/12 – Angela 280lbs. – Shaunn 264lbs.

Week 3 & 12 Of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 12 – 8/7/12 – Angela 277lbs. – Shaunn 264lbs.

Week 2 & 11 Of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 11 – 7/30/12 – Angela 277lbs. – Shaunn 262lbs.

Week 1 & 10 of Our Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Week 10 – 7/25/12 –Β  Angela 283lbs. – Shaunn 264lbs.

Week 9 of My Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation YAY Down 3 more pounds!!! Week 9 – 7/16/12 – 280lbs.

Week 8 My Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation More Weight Loss!!! Week 8 – 7/9/12 – 283lbs.

Week 7 My Nutrisystem Journey #NSNation Down Another 1pd! Week 7 – 7/2/12 – 284lbs.

Week 6 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation DOWN 1pds! Week 6 – 6/25/12 – 285lbs.

Week 5 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation DOWN 2pds! Week 5 – 6/14/12 – 286lbs.

Week 4 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 4 Staying Strong Week 4 – 6/07/12 – 288lbs.

Some of Nutrisystems Delicious Foods on the Program #NSNation

Week 3 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 3 Gained 1 pds. Week 3 – 5/31/12 – 288lbs.

Week 2 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 2 Down 3 pounds! Week 2 – 5/24/12 – 287lbs.

Week 1 My Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNation Week 1 Complete Week 1 – 5/18/12 – 290lbs.

Intro: Follow Me on my Nutrisystem Journey to a Healthier Me #NSNationStart – 5/11/12 – 290lbs.

Be sure to follow Nutrisystem

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Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog.

Disclosure: Nutrisystem is providing Angie’s Angel Help Network with the Nutrisystem Program free of charge for participating in the Nutrisystem Blogger Program.

About Angie


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha Mellisa said take a pic of you in your undies LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy chick

  2. Awesome to see you sticking with it. I think that it is ok to go on a splurge every now and again. Keep up the great work.

  3. Melinda Dunne says

    You are doing great!

  4. You’re doing great, just keep trying and don’t give up!

  5. You are doing great Angie! It does take time and you will get there. I love Melissa’s advice! Are you allowed to eat all the vegetables you want? If no they are great fillers when you feel like snacking. Hang tight!

    • angiesangels says

      I can eat a lot of veggies. I actually am never hungry on the Nutrisystem program it’s just the lack of motivation to exercise more. but im working my way there. thank you for your support πŸ™‚

  6. Patti Purelli says

    Keep up the good work you two-you are both doing great. Losing weight is hard, but you are both progressing and sometimes “slow and steady wins the race”. Try using each other to motivate. You are lucky you have a partner for this journey, try using it to your advantage. Can’t wait for next week’s post.

    • angiesangels says

      Thank you its been a long 4 months but hey I have lost 14lbs. i am proud of that. And will keep going no matter what.

  7. Susan Bewley says

    Hang in there! I know I have been losing weight fast and love it! Still 90 lbs to go to get to my perfect BMI range but its fun losing weight with others!

  8. Mellissa Hanks says

    Take a picture of yourself in your undies. Oh yeah I am serious.lol Post it on the fridge, treadmill and bathroom mirror and if you have a bedroom mirror. 99% of people do not look good in their undies haha. As for upping your exercise it can be little things, time for my crazy moments, every time you peed do 5 squats, when you make a meal do some side leg lifts or high knees. Wake up in the morning and stretch EVERYTHING! Not only does it feel great but it is great for your blood flow. And yeah yeah I’m going to say it again WATER WATER WATEr drink more ;OP if you aren’t drinking 138 ounces a day then you aren’t drinking “too much.” Also if you are about to finish your plate and still hungry STOP take a big drink of water and throw that last bite out! Congrats on one more pound and good luck!

    • angiesangels says

      Alright now you always have some ideas crazy or not I am going to give it a try! Thank you so much Mellissa you are such a huge inspiration to me each week with your supportive comments and tips.

      • Everyone should be able to experience the healthy life :O) Not that I don’t love me some junk foods.lol But I know how much better I feel at a certain weight and once you start hitting that feeling you will get into it more and more! Also I hate my dreadmill lol I bought a kettleball workout at walmart for $9 it is AWESOME! gets your heart pumping but is fast and build muscles. As we age we need those more and more.lol

        • angiesangels says

          Did I ever tell you that you give the best advise! I look so forward to your support each week and take everything you say into consideration.

  9. Crystle Monahan says

    You guys can do it! I know it’s hard (I’m 266 and gaining) but you are dedicated and can figure it out! I would check with a doctor to see if there’s anything going on medically that’s preventing you from losing weight (for example, I take medication that makes me retain water) but don’t get discouraged! It’s good to lose weight slowly anyway, that makes it easier to keep off, or so I’m told (like I said, I’ve been gaining) Take care and don’t lose hope!

  10. Alaina Bullock says

    Hang in there! You are helping motivate me! Thanks! You both are doing so good!

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