Injections of dermal fillers belong to the most popular procedures in contemporary aesthetic medicine. They are used to rejuvenate and enhance the overall appearance of a patient effectively.
One of the main reasons why these procedures are so beloved by medical professionals and their patients is their high safety. Still, are there any risks of dermal filler injectables? Let us figure it out together!
What Are Soft Tissue Fillers?
A soft tissue filler (also called a dermal filler) is a cosmetic injectable that is used for a number of aesthetic indications. It might be characterized as a safe, effective, and long-lasting solution for aging skin.
Based on their main active components, all dermal filler injectables might be subdivided into the following types:
- Hyaluronic acid fillers;
- Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers;
- Poly-L-lactic acid fillers;
- And other dermal filler types.
Moreover, there exists a great number of brands that manufacture dermal filler injectables, such as:
- Belotero;
- Juvederm;
- Restylane;
- Radiesse;
- Sculptra;
- And other dermal filler brands.
The main aim of all the above-mentioned injectable fillers is to provide a patient with substantial facial rejuvenation and enhancement. It is usually achieved with the help of:
- Reduction of fine lines, folds, and wrinkles;
- Adjustment of facial anatomy;
- Tightening of the skin;
- Restoration of facial volume;
- Augmentation of the lips;
- Etc.
The result of dermal filler injections is pretty durable. Depending on the individual peculiarities of a patient (such as their age, health condition, and skin type), it might last from several months to a couple of years.
What Are the Main Risks of Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers belong to safe cosmetic injectables that do not lead to the appearance of any serious consequences. Still, there exist certain risks connected to their administration. Below, you will find a short overview of the most important ones.
In order to minimize the below-mentioned risks, patients should avoid injecting dermal filler products on their own. Moreover, they should rely exclusively on certified healthcare practitioners who have been properly trained to inject aesthetic solutions.
Risk #1. Temporary Skin Irritation
Among the mildest dermal filler complications are temporary redness, itching, and swelling of the skin around the injection site. In most cases, these symptoms have a temporary character and tend to disappear on their own within a couple of days after the procedure.
Among the main danger zones dermal fillers might penetrate are the nasal ala, temple area, nasolabial fold, periorbital area, and a region between the eyebrows. One more danger zone that should be paid attention to is the one around a patient’s nasolabial grooves.
Risk #2. Skin Infections
In some cases, the administration of a dermal filler into the lower face, mid-face, or upper face of a patient might lead to the appearance of skin infections. If it happens, a patient should contact a healthcare practitioner as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications.
Risk #3. Facial and Lip Asymmetry
Sometimes, the injection of facial fillers might cause the appearance of facial asymmetry. As well, the administration of lip fillers might lead to a lack of symmetry between the lower and the upper lip. In most cases, asymmetry occurs if a healthcare practitioner lacks professionalism.
Risk #4. Allergic Reactions
Under certain circumstances, treatments that involve dermal filler injections might cause a number of allergic reactions. In most cases, it occurs if the wrong filler products are injected (for instance, if a healthcare practitioner injects a hyaluronic acid filler into a patient who is allergic to it). In order to avoid these adverse effects, a healthcare practitioner should make sure that injecting a particular product under the skin of a certain patient is safe before initiating the treatment.
Risk #5. Bleeding from the Injection Site
Unlike plastic surgery or similar treatment options, the injection of a dermal filler is a minimally invasive procedure. Still, one of the potential complications a patient might experience after it is bleeding from the injection site. It might occur in case of damage to a certain vein within the blood supply around the area of the treatment.
Risk #6. Occlusion of a Facial Artery (Dorsal Nasal Artery)
One of the most serious risks that might appear as a result of injecting dermal fillers is the restricted blood flow in the facial artery (or when being more precise, the dorsal nasal artery). In the worst cases, vascular occlusion might lead to the so-called vascular compromise (namely, a partial or complete interruption of the vascular supply and, therefore, soft tissue necrosis). Arterial occlusion belongs to very serious but, at the same time, rare cases that appear because of the improper injecting technique of a healthcare practitioner.
Other facial arteries that are at risk of occlusion during the injection of a dermal filler are the superficial temporal artery, the central retinal artery, the angular artery, the ophthalmic artery, and the infraorbital artery.
Risk #7. Blindness
Rarely, the above-mentioned occlusion of supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries might lead to blindness, which is probably the most serious complication of dermal filler treatment. The problem might occur if a healthcare practitioner unintentionally injects a dermal filler into blood vessels or veins in one of the danger zones of a patient’s face (such as an infraorbital region or a temple area).
The above-mentioned risks of dermal filler injections are not the only ones a patient might experience after the procedure. Apart from them, such complications as damage to the nerves, bruising, scarring, or lumps around the area of the treatment might also take place.
A Bottom Line
A final tip on how to minimize the risk of any complications after dermal filler injections is to use authentic products of the highest quality. Thus, make sure to rely on verified suppliers of medical devices, especially if you would like to order dermal fillers online.