Hi, I’m Angela, I am a stay at home work at home mom of 3 beautiful children and wife to a wonderful husband. Pet owner of 3 dogs and a cat. I am also the creator and writer of Angie’s Angel Help Network which is a family-friendly website that features family life, help for families, pets, healthy eating, travel, auto tips, tech, food, and a few more. I strive each and every day to bring you reliable information all the while adding my own personal touch.
- For your review, you will get an unbiased, and honest blog post product review.
- I can include a giveaway with your review. I do not ship the prizes that is your responsibility.
- Reviews are completed within 2 weeks.
- If you would like to be featured in our Holiday Guide please email me at angiesangelhelpnetwork@gmail.com
- Reviews are promoted across 4 or more social networks and include a disclosure in accordance with FTC guidelines and no-follow links.
- I reserve the right not to review the product if you send a product that was not originally agreed upon. If you send me a product without my knowledge I also reserve the right not to review it.
- For sponsored posts email me at angiesangelhelpnetwork@gmail.com
Angie’s Angel Help Network reserves the right to deny any offer that does not fit with the values of our blog or our reader’s interests.
©Angela Harris and Angie’s Angel Help Network, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used with written permission from this blog’s author, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Harris and Angie’s Angel Help Network with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.