I have been given this awesome opportunity to share this amazing Skintrium giveaway with my fans and readers. Skimtrium carries products for Skin lightening, skin whitening, and corrective skin care products. Get glowing, lighter skin with their groundbreaking skin lightening formulations. Enter below for you chance to win either a $250 Visa Gift Card, plus Esthetic Blends Skin Whitening Moisturizer. That’s a $500 Value! In addition 5 people will win a $50 Skintrium Gift Certificates.
- $250 Visa Gift Card
- Esthetic Blends Skin Whitening Moisturizer
- 5 fans will win a $50 Skintrium Gift Certificate
Be sure to connect with Skintrium on Facebook.
I have brown spots on my face the same as my mom did. I have tried a couple different products with no help
I have been blessed with good genes and skin I guess because I have never been one to wash my make up off at the end of the night or wash my face when I wake up….yet I don’t get any acne except my monthly pimple on my chin lol…I know I need to start because eventually it will catch up to me…this would be great! Thanks!
I am Post Menapausl and my skin is all messed up, it’s dry and looks old, I need some help that’s why I hope I win