Do things just pile up in your home and you aren’t sure where they come from or how the mess gets so big? That’s how a lot of us feel from time to time, and the solution can be to not just declutter your home every once in a while but to make it a habit.
How do you do that? You follow the tips we have for you in this article.
Pick a Decluttering Day
The most straightforward way to handle this issue is to set one day aside to declutter. This may not be enough to constantly stay on top of the problem, but that will depend on how much clutter is produced each week. If you take this step, though, it will make quite an impact on your piles of clutter that tend to accumulate.
On this day you have set aside, you should go through your home room by room and do as detailed of a decluttering as you can. Look for any items that are simply trash and toss them. Clean up items that are not where they belong. Look at any new items that are taking up space and consider if you really need to keep them around.
If you decide to get rid of something, you have a few options. You can give it away to a charity organization. You can sell it (online is easiest), or you can pass it on to a friend or family member. Whatever you do, get it out of the house as fast as you can or put it into a designated pile for getting rid of. That will help deal with the clutter.
Set Limits for Yourself
Another way to keep your home clean and as clutter free as possible is to limit yourself in different areas of accumulation. What is it you like to spend money on? Think about how much of that item you already have and whether you really need it each time you consider buying more. Whether it’s shoes, books, clothes, video games, or anything else, consider whether it’s necessary and set yourself a limit as to how many you will buy each month or each year.
These limits should not be arbitrary. They should be well thought out in such a way that you are taking into consideration your happiness, your shopping habits, and other relevant factors. Most people will tend to go overboard sometimes and buy things they don’t need and splurge in their areas of interest. If you have set some definitive limits for yourself, though, you will be aware of that every time you go to make a purchase. You might second guess that purchase and decide not to buy something that would add to the clutter.
We would also add to this that you should buy with intent. Whenever you’re going to purchase something, try to avoid buying anything on a whim. Instead, give yourself at least a minute to think about each purchase, considering whether you need it, where it will go, how it might add to the clutter, and why you want to buy it in the first place.
Keep Screen Time to a Minimum
A lot of clutter is accumulated from our desire to have more items. We are often filled with a sense of discontentment because of what we see on screens all day long period we are bombarded with advertisements and focused Internet content that is designed to appeal to us and our areas of interest. If you can stay off screens as much as possible, you’ll be less likely to shop for things and less likely to think about those things that you tend to accumulate.
Hire Professional Cleaners
Choosing to have professional cleaning services carried out in your home can often be a better choice than doing the cleaning yourself when it comes to trying to live a decluttering lifestyle. That’s because people tend to keep their home neater and have less clutter if someone else is going to be cleaning it. They’re more self-conscious about how the house looks and how much stuff is filling it up.
So, if you choose an interesting house cleaning service in NYC to do the cleaning, you may do a little cleaning on your own throughout the week. You can bring in the professionals once a week, or as often as you need, and do some cleaning yourself on the side. You will probably find that you’re conscious of the clutter in your home and that you do little things to minimize the clutter, especially right before the cleaners come. The little bit of social pressure this places on you is really good for helping minimize clutter in the home.
Do Small Cleaning Tasks Regularly
People who tend to have a lot of clutter in their homes also tend to be people who don’t clean very much. If you can get into the habit of cleaning often, you will be less likely to have clutter in your home. So, you can develop a habit of cleanliness and doing regular housework by doing little cleaning tasks throughout the day.
Look for opportunities to wipe down a counter, sweep a floor, take out the trash, and organize an area of your home. These do not have to be large, time-consuming tasks. As long as you’re doing something small to clean several times a day, you will get into the habit of cleaning often. This will have the beneficial effect of cutting down on the clutter all around you.
These are our best tips for keeping your home as clutter free as possible on a regular basis. If you do these things that we have suggested, you won’t have to have major decluttering events in your home, and you’ll have less clutter to deal with on a daily basis. If you found something helpful in this article, please let us know. We would love to hear some feedback.