With college being so expensive why spend full price for something when you don’t have to. Especially for something your only going to use temporally. Renting books is one of the best ways to save money on college. Rent textbooks and you can save up to 90%! Use your extra money for more fabulous stuff.
Another way to save on your books is to refer your college friends to Campus Book Rentals and get $5 bucks for each friend that rents. Plus they get 5% off their next purchase! So get out there and start spreading the word and earn some extra cash!
So you already finished college and don’t need more text books. That’s great because you can earn cash for selling your text books on CampusBookRentals.com. They have partnered with FirstClassBooks to offer you the highest buyback price for your textbooks. Enter the information from your textbook required. Click on the “Check Prices” button and they will tell you how much you will get paid for each book.
Some benefits:
- Saving 40-90% off of bookstore prices
- FREE shipping both ways. (everyone loves free)
- Can highlight in the textbooks
- Flexible renting periods
- Campus Book Rentals donates to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
- Any book returned within the first 30 days after the order date will be refunded 100%.
Here is a great example of the type of savings your going to get:
Hardcover 1056 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 10 edition (01/01/2009)
Authors: Hoffmann, Laurence D. and Bradley, Gerald
ISBN-10: 0077297881
ISBN-13: 9780077297886
Another great perk that Campus Book Rentals has to offer is Operation Smile. For EVERY book rented this year, Campus Book Rentals will donate a portion of the proceeds to Operation Smile with sights set on meeting and exceeding the goal of 1,000 lives changed. So add that extra book to your cart, and consider this goal as you go back to school this year. CampusBookRentals.com supports the children of Operation Smile, and thank you for your support.
Disclosure I will be compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.
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