Udderly Smooth Makes For The Perfect Stocking Stuffer

Disclosure: I receive free products from the manufacturer or their representing PR agency to use and test for the purposes of these reviews. This is disclosed in accordance with the FTC guidelines.

I recently had the pleasure of reviewing products from Udderly Smooth which were Body Cream which a very thick cream for dry chapped and cracked skin. Great to use on those tough spots, like cracked heels and it’s even gentle enough for a baby’s delicate skin. I also received Udderly Smooth Shea Butter Foot Cream that’s great moisturizer relief for dry, cracked feet. And lastly four tubes of hand cream, that are perfect to take on the go, and great for stocking stuffers.

Udderly Smooth Makes For The Perfect Stocking Stuffer

What I enjoyed most about these products was how thick each one was and the wonderful light scent they had. I don’t like products meant for healing your skin that are very strong smelling. Each one also absorbed very quickly and didn’t leave my skin feeling greasy or caked on. I have some rough spots on my skin from eczema and have been using Udderly Smooth on them and it’s done and amazing job at softening them up. Which then makes me itch less, which is a blessing. These creams are so thick you can turn the jar upside down and the lotion wont slide out.

These products were originally developed to soothe and soften cow’s udders during harsh winters. Udderly Smooth can be found at food, drug and mass merchandisers such as Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid, Dollar General and Ace Hardware. Learn more about the complete line of Udderly Smooth products at udderlysmooth.com

I highly recommend Udderly Smooth as a great stocking Stuffer this Holiday Season.

Be sure to connect with Udderly Smooth on Facebook and Twitter.

About Angie

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