When My Oldest Son Started Driving

I have three kids; one that is about to turn 22, one that has recently turned 18 and one that recently turned 10. My oldest has been driving for about 5 years now but when he first started I was one fearful mother. As any mother is when her first child starts driving with out them in the car. Then so many things were going through my head every time he went out, even now, 5 years later I still think the same things.

When My Oldest Son Started Driving

Before he went out I would always remind him to buckle up of course, in case anything would happen I would know he was secure and safe in the car. I tell him not to speed, drive the speed limit, he tends to speed so I have to always remind him. I make sure he has a little cash on him just in case anything happens or comes up he has some cash for a cab or something to get home safely. Even if it’s just $20 it will help.

I remind him to have his phone charged or bring his charger so if something were to happen he can contact me or the police. But I also remind him the importance of not texting and driving, and to wait when he was not on the road to respond to a text. When I am in the car with him I always remind him of these things, I am a mother and I want to know my child is safe and aware. Because driving can be a dangerous thing if you are not cautious of your surroundings or your own car. He works and knows a lot about cars so I remind him to remember the importance of maintenance on his car. I am always so thankful that he is car-smart so if he gets a flat-tire or something in the engine goes wrong he knows what to do to get it started again.

About Angie


  1. Brandy Pluff says

    I am a mother of a 9 month old daughter (30 lbs) who needs a car seat and clothes. Her dad does not help me hardly at all and we are on the verge of breaking up. Also, I have split custody with my 8 yr old daughter and 9 yr old sons dad so we split the cost. I need clothes for them for school, but most of all they need bunk beds. I am trying to get a two bedroom apartment on my own, because that’s all I can afford right now. Please help or any advise is welcome. And I can’t go to churches, because they are only open Mon thru Fri 8 to 5 during my work schedule.

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